My name is Janet Ellen Shen, my Hebraic name Yerusha Yanit Shen. I am a homemaker and three children. I can converse in English, Mandarin (PutongHua) Cantonese, some Hokien, Teochew,Malay. I am still learning to read Hebrew scriptures and attending Hebrew Language classes.
At present I fellowship among the Torah obedience in Yeshua group, we have a regular Erev Shabbat; celebrate the 7 Biblical Feast Adonay:-Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Feast of Pentecost (weeks), Feast of Trumpet, Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur; Feast of Tabernacle; also celebrate Hanukah but we do not celebrate christmas and easter because these are not our biblical feast. We keep kosher diet (eating clean food instruction from our Creator) Kosher means fit for usage or consumption.
I am looking for Messianic Torah observant group that practice Male leadership, woman practice head-covering and woman willingly submit to 1 Tim 2:11-12, messianic believer observe Kosher diet, keeping Biblical feast which Yeshua keeps, scripture base teaching in simplicity --
don't practice Kabbalist, do not practice tongue speaker, no polygamist, no lunar shabbatic, or Am Israel or two houses.